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  • Writer's pictureAndrew B.

How The Dogma Of Papal Infallibility Continues To Be Misled and Confused By The Faithful

First, let us go to the First Vatican Council Documents and define what is Papal Infallibility,

After the council, how and why was the Dogma so misrepresented? For most things, Protestants who are Journalists and gave their own spin on it, and or, Liberals in the Church. Let us hear from Henry Edward Cardinal Manning himself, from his book The Vatican Council and its definitions.

Finally this passage, the journalists in the late to mid 1800s, wanted what was to come at the Second Vatican Council

The Catholics in the pew still do not understand the Dogma of Papal Infallibility, thanks to all the media still pushing the narrative and confusing the people, and then the Bishops fail to attack the press and stop their false news coverage and then issue such a book like Henry Edward Cardinal Manning, to correct the narrative, to attack the fake news and to make sure the souls he cares for, know the Truth. Now, we have a wide spread of secular Anti-Catholic Press, Catholics in Secular Press and Liberal "Professional Catholics" as His Holiness Pope Benedict defines them, Catholic in name only, but are at heart secular and very much against the Faith, and then Faithful Independent Catholic Journalists who can't even get a press pass to enter the Vatican Press Hall to make sure the Truth is actually covered and attack any false spin or narrative. There is so much noise from all these media outlets, that it is hard for the faithful to find the truth. Then the use of modern "experts" on this dogma, and they forget about these resources written at the time of the First Vatican Council and directly after it, and still has some dangerous spin to it. I am not against these modern "experts" as long as they teach the Truth and nothing new, but I hold firm and return to these sources, like Cardinal Manning, because he was there, in the trenches after it, to defend the Dogma and the Council. Let us look now at the Constitution Of The Vatican Council, De Fide Catholica by Henry Edward Cardinal Manning:

As you can plainly see, these errors and heresies he is mentioning, are now inside the Church, Catholics both lay and clergy have lost or taught in naturalism or realism, to lose that the Church is and always will be Supernatural and loss of belief in the miracles worked by Christ and the Saints. Then the loss of the belief in the Real Presence of the Holy Eucharist and lack of belief that the Mass is the Sacrifice on Calvary, where now the sanctuaries of the churches are meet and greet halls, where they enter and talk loudly, where non-sacred music is used at Mass, where the focus is on the people or the priest, this is what we have gotten when the Ordinary Form of the Mass was issued at the Second Vatican Council and the same people who misled the people at the First Vatican Council, then misled the faithful even worse and these abuses, loss of Faith entered in not by creeping, but by a flood. Let us continue from Henry Edward Cardinal Manning,

With that, the definition of the Dogma of Papal Infallibility is properly defined by Henry Edward Cardinal Manning, using the previous councils and Saints, and Doctors of the Church. This is what the Dogma is and will always be, and those who hold the office of the Papacy, who teach open heresy and apostasy, worship of the Pachamama Idol at the Amazon Synod, denying what his predecessors and Doctors of the Church has taught regarding Mary as Co-Redemptrix Celebrating the Protestant Revolt With Protestants, His Denying Of The Bodily Resurrection Of Our Lord, Supporting The Heresy Of Islam, Supporting Of LGBT Activists and Pro Abortion, Population Control Experts Supporting Divorced and Remarried Catholics living in sin to receive Holy Communion, and so many more. His Holiness Blessed Pope Pius IX has said, "That anyone who rejects Papal Infallibility and our definition, let him be anathema!" All the documents, all the things Francis has said as Pope, is against Papal Infallibility, and is against the definition even clearer from Henry Edward Cardinal Manning, it is clear we need to define the Dogma as is done by Henry Edward Cardinal Manning, and defend the Catholic Faith as he has done in those passages. Andrew

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